Accountability. Safety. Community.

As an Independent voice for Eastport, I will ensure that all residents are heard and represented. For too long, the status quo has led to under-representation and a voice for only a few. As Alderman, every resident will have a champion fighting for the issues that matter most to them.

A Fresh Perspective for Eastport

My Vision

My campaign is about equally representing Eastport, shifting the balance of power back to the citizens, and holding the City accountable. We’ll take action to get things done, make our community safer, and welcome sustainable growth. As Alderman, I will encourage healthy debate while maintaining a mutual respect for all, in order to work toward a common vision for our collective future. Democracy is an ongoing experiment, underpinned by a willingness to take risks and give things a shot. We must aim for “working towards a ‘yes’” versus always defaulting to a “no.” Eastport’s greatest asset is its people -  It’s time to get to work with a louder voice and fresh perspective for Eastport.

Accountability & Action

The City works for the citizens, period. The balance of power needs to shift back to the people. Additionally, City officials deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

  • Accountability for Leadership and Spending - Leadership deserves to answer for their actions (or lack thereof). Additionally, our taxpayer dollars deserve to be spent on impactful initiatives that benefit all people of Annapolis. Every dollar spent on studies should have a clear path to implementation. We’ll ensure that funds are directed toward actions that directly benefit our community, cutting down on wasted resources and delivering real results for Ward 8.

  • Common-Sense Solutions, First - Too often, common-sense improvements get delayed by unnecessary bureaucracy and endless assessments. My campaign pledges to prioritize straightforward, impactful changes that enhance safety and quality of life for all residents.

  • A Voice for All of Eastport - My campaign is about fair, independent representation that prioritizes every resident of Eastport, regardless of background or connections. Every Eastport resident deserves a champion who advocates for their unique needs and ensures their voices are heard.

Community Safety

Every resident deserves to feel safe in their own neighborhood. Whether at home, walking, or riding a bike, we owe it to our neighbors to take smart actions to ensure all residents are safe.

  • Prioritizing Community Safety - We believe every resident deserves to feel safe. My campaign will focus on initiatives that enhance community safety in Eastport, including increased lighting in public areas, stronger neighborhood watch programs, and regular communication with law enforcement.

  • Collaborative Approach to Crime Prevention - We’ll work closely with residents and local law enforcement to implement preventive measures and respond proactively to community concerns, including ensuring transparency about what is happening in the neighborhood. By fostering a collaborative approach to crime, we can keep Eastport’s streets safe for everyone.

  • Enhancing Community Connections - Safe, interconnected public transportation, including a bike network, shouldn’t just be a plan—it should be a reality. This isn’t about getting rid of cars; it’s about giving people different options. We’re committed to building a network that provides safe pathways for kids, adults, and seniors alike, helping to reduce traffic, support local businesses, and foster a healthier, greener community. We’re dedicated to setting deadlines and tracking progress to ensure this vision doesn’t stall, making safe, public options a priority.

Sustainable Modernization

Since its incorporation, Eastport has been a center for local businesses and entrepreneurship. Growth and modernization are good things and are requirements for any community and City to remain relevant and healthy. “We like it this way” shouldn’t mean “we will never change it for the better.” This is not about building skyscrapers or giant retail outlets in our backyard - it is about supporting our local, small businesses and creating an environment for them to thrive while respecting our environment, residents, and limited resources.

  • Cutting Red Tape for Eastport Businesses - We believe that doing business in Eastport should be as welcoming as the community itself. This means streamlining processes and cutting unnecessary red tape that currently hinders business growth. By working closely with local entrepreneurs to identify barriers, we can enhance the vibrancy of Eastport, attract more visitors, and create enjoyable spaces for our community to gather and thrive.

  • Updated Zoning - We are operating under zoning laws from 1987. The time has come for us to update our zoning laws to be aligned with the needs of our community and the reality of our times, while respecting the heritage and fragility of our environment.

The Pursuit of Progress